Intent, Implementation, Impact
Our Mastery Curriculum
We believe that all pupils can achieve. The principle of our mastery curriculum is that all pupils keep up with the pace of learning and that gaps are addressed immediately so that no pupil falls behind. The goal of our mastery learning approach is to have all pupils learn at high levels. Progression is more focused on understanding and developing greater depth in the national curriculum.
The mastery pedagogy works on the principle that all learners, with effort, will meet expectations. It works on the premise that great teaching, based on formative assessment, particularly great questioning, is key. Precise assessment, teaching that closes any gaps, thinking about ability differently are all part of the mastery pedagogy. Our teaching staff use mastery learning to break down material into manageable units and the pupils are taught together as a whole class, through a highly tuned teaching approach. Pupils are given additional support, where necessary, through scaffolding.
All children should have a deep learning of key ideas and opportunities for even deeper learning. For some learners, they will be able to access, within a construct, even greater challenge to deepen their thinking further. Mastery learning is deep learning that sticks; it can be recalled over time. It is necessary to have deep learning in order to meet the key objectives. In essence, in order to meet the objectives securely children need to have mastered them. Our mastery approach reduces variation in final pupil performance and we strive to ensure children will achieve at least age expected progress and attainment in every year group.
Curriculum Intent
On this page you will find the links to our curriculum intent, implementation and impact statements for each subject. Click Here