Luton SENDIAS Service
The Luton SENDIAS Service is a statutory service jointly funded by Luton Council and Luton Clinical Commissioning Group. The service provides impartial advice and support on a range of topics related to SEND and operates at ‘arm’s length’ from the Local Authority.
The SENDIAS Service aims to help parents/carers, children and young people and professional staff to work together to provide the best possible support and outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
Parent/carers, children and young people can access support from the SENDIAS service by a variety of methods. The SENDIAS service website has fantastic information, advice, resources and videos for families with SEND on a range of different topics. The website also has the ability to translate information on the site into a range of different languages.
The service can provide support for families who may have concerns about their child or young person’s progress at school/college, or concerns regarding starting school or accessing support in school/college. They can also offer advice and support around issues relating to SEND law, exclusion advice or advice if families wish to appeal a decision regarding an EHCP (Education, Health and Social Care Plan) made by the Local Authority.
The SENDIAS service also has a telephone helpline (01582 548156) with an answerphone service available out of office hours.
Theres is also a Facebook page up and running: which also provides information, advice and support for parents, carers, children and young people, signposting them towards local events and support groups.