"There is a very strong ethos of tolerance and respect for others that is felt throughout the school."
Ofsted 2018

Our Mission Statement

At St Martin’s we acknowledge that we are all called to be witnesses of the Lord and our Mission Statement, “Working together in the light of the Lord”, reflects our belief in the importance of partnership between home, school and parish. This relationship enables us to achieve a family atmosphere providing a secure, happy environment with Christ at the centre. By endeavouring to live the Gospel so that it influences everything that happens throughout the school day, we aim to:

  • value every member of the school community and develop the potential of each individual;
  • create an educational environment in which we are encouraged to enjoy our work whilst aspiring to the highest standards of achievement and behaviour;
  • give children the experience of being part of, and active members in, a Catholic community which celebrates through word and deed the unique, God-given nature of each individual;
  • support parents and parishes in developing the children’s knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith;
  • develop a caring community which recognises that each member is equally deserving  of  respect, tolerance,  understanding  and opportunity, regardless of ability, gender, race, age or creed.