Pupil Representatives

Head Boy & Girl

I was ecstatic when I was given the role of Head Boy.
I am excited to work with other people throughout the school and alongside our Head Girl.
I am looking forward to helping others and everything else I will be asked to do.
My parents were very proud of me when I was chosen and I want to be a good role model to others in the school.

I was overjoyed to be announced as the new Head Girl and I am looking forward to working alongside our Head Boy, to support other people in our school.
I will do my best to be the best Head Girl I can be and to work alongside the staff to make the school even better than before.
I hope you will be pleased by my efforts as Head Girl.

House Captains

Every year the eldest pupils in each house are selected as House Captains. There are two house captains in each house.

The Houses Are:

The House Captains take great pride in their role and understand the importance of being reliable and a good role model.
House Captains have many responsibilities such as; leading and delivering house assemblies once every term, working alongside the PE Co-ordinator to run a successful sports day and collecting up house point scores.

School Council

A ballot is held annually to select one child from each class to be a School Council representative. The elected children take great pride in their role and understand the importance of being reliable, confident and a good role model.
The School Council meet regularly to discuss suggestions made in class and when possible these initiatives are put into practise. In addition to this they help with a variety of events and activities throughout the school year.

Faith Ambassadors

These are our Faith Ambassadors who have volunteered to be leaders in the spiritual and prayer life of our school.

Peer Mentors

Twelve pupils are selected from Year 5 and Year 6 to provide support and encouragement to children on the playground. Their role is to be friendly and approachable and to assist children who may be having difficulties at playtime.
Peer Mentors are trained and monitored by the Learning Mentor who meets with them regularly to discuss any issues which may have arisen over the week. They also attend anti-bullying workshops and receive guidance on suitable playground games and activities.

Play Leaders

Play Leaders aim to encourage our younger children in KS1 to play cooperatively. They also educate others with ideas of new games to play on the playground.
Each year a group of Year 6 children volunteer to become Play Leaders to assist and lead playground activities. Every day, both at morning playtime and lunchtime, they will spend time with the children from KS1, rotating around the year groups to give each child the chance to participate. Play Leaders also support during wet play.
All Play Leaders are trained at the start of each academic year giving them an opportunity to acquire the skills needed to work with younger children, learning lots of fun and engaging activities to share with others.

Junior Road Safety Officers

The Junior Road Safety Officers job is to tell everyone in our school how to stay safe in school and on the road. We will deliver assemblies and  run cool competitions.